Building your Kingdom “manually” is very hard.
Everyday you need to show up to collect New Souls.
Everyday, you see your Soul Mates abandoning you because something is “missing”.
Even after all the good hard work, the process was incomplete.
A King shall NOT accept such weakness.
We want full control. Complete Conquest. Unending devotion.
Why would you work hard to create your ideal relationship with a concubine just to have her break your heart?
Why go through the trouble of finding your strong, competent, smart and exceptional subjects just to have them stolen by the Charlatans?
The Good News is: Religion has revealed the hidden Blueprint to manifest your Ideal Kingdom with minimum work.
Because the solution is simple: To have your Tribe so brainwashed and addicted that they will never ever leave you.
Inside these secret trainings, I help you put every ingredient necessary into 1 “Bible” that keep your Soul Mates devoted.
This means you can take a vacation while they happily build your vision.
This means they will be happy to pay you that “Mega Church” money to fuel your luxurious lifestyle.
This means you will finally enter the club of those 1 in 1 Billion that have mastered the profitable art of Lizard Brain whispers.
Plus, you will receive The 55 PSE Questions that if you answered in your Brainwashing Bible, you will own more any Soul you want, on autopilot.
Will you hold this Divine Power? Or will you let your enemies eagerly snatch it from your hands?
Testimonials: https://prmst.co/kng