Positive Vibes
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Bible Verse of The Day - 9-18-21

Bible Verse of The Day - 9-18-21

Sep 18, 2021

2 Timothy 2:1 (NKJV) 1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

In the verse above, Paul is encouraging Timothy to be strong in grace.

We must all draw deeply on God’s enabling power to accomplish His purpose through us.

When we lean on God for what we need, He will deliver.

Sometimes it’s hard to have grace for others. Our minds and emotions will fight it tooth and nail.

What does it mean to show grace? It means to give them underserved kindness, love or mercy.

At one time in the past, we had some contractors at our home, doing a small renovation project.

It was taking a while for them to finish. A little longer, in fact, than they had estimated.

As they neared the end of the project, they came to us to let us know that they had made a mistake with a particular part of it. Fixing it was going to push the finish date out another few days or more.

At that moment, we could have been pretty upset. The job seemed like it was taking forever to get finished, and this would delay it further.

However, we chose to be humble and strong in grace with our response. Praise be to God; He gave us the ability to do just that.

Shutting down how we could have reacted, and showing them kindness when they were likely prepared for frustration, they were relieved with our response. They could get the job done right without feeling pressure. We gave them the chance to redeem themselves.

It doesn’t pay to take these kinds of things out on people. We will reap from our response.

So, if we allow grace to continually work in our lives, we can hope that others will be there to show us grace at times when we deserve less.

Let our Master Grace Giver, Christ Jesus, help us to walk strongly in this. Amen.

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