Later, not Never

Sep 05, 2022

On the rare occasion that I've deemed someone worthy enough to hear my goals and ideas, I'm often met with support simply because all of my thoughts are extremely thorough and planned out before I open my mouth to speak on them. As a neurodivergent, "good ideas" come a dime a dozen, however, having the awareness that I'm capable of executing many different things isn't always enough to actually follow through. Learning this about myself allowed me to implement a process in which I determine what's realistic for me at any given time. Because of this, many ideas get put on the back burner. Timing is always a huge factor, but beyond that, I always consider my own energetic status at the time, as well as any active commitments I've previously made. Though my brain is exceptionally complex, I have to pace myself to prevent from becoming overwhelmed. Over time, I've developed my skills and ultimately trained myself to take on more responsibility easily.

With that being said, God has allowed me to revisit a venture placed on my heart over two years ago. It's still in the early stages, but I'm so thankful that I did not abandon myself or my ideas just because my circumstances were a little to be desired. Let this be a lesson: They say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. Well, let me tell YOU, I had pages and pages of planning and outlining completed when I first conceived this idea, but my SPIRIT was not ready. I envisioned the execution so vividly, it kept me up at night. It just wasn't the right time. I had to grow and evolve into a higher version of myself to undergo the process of bringing this idea to fruition. God's timing trumps ALL! You're never too old, too behind, or too far removed from where you want to be. Put the work in to embody a higher version of yourself. See the vision clearly, even when it's not tangible, then let God do the rest.


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