Happy Advent, and Welcome!

Happy Advent, and Welcome!

Dec 11, 2021

Thank you for following my page! I am looking forward to presenting new homeschooling content to you and will use this page as a way of letting you know as soon as it becomes available. If you haven’t had a chance to visit my site, www.coastalvillagegirl.com , I currently have a few videos up in the “Advent Resources” and “Curricula Review” categories. There are also several homeschool-related blog posts.

Most recently I started my three-part video series on Catholic Heritage Curricula! I will be releasing Part 2 tomorrow, December 11th. Part 3 will follow on December 17th.

For the blog: I am working on some children’s book reviews. (I tag-teamed with my daughter for honest kid approval 😉). Also looking forward to sharing more about the coziest time of year on the East End as our winter farm share begins…

Happy Advent!

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