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Coffee Subscription


All money from Buy Me A Coffee subscriptions will be spent promoting the Poetry Catalog platform and its published poems.

We want to build a massive poetry platform.

A megaphone for great poetry - for YOUR poetry.

This is your chance to help us build this platform for the monthly price of a coffee.

  • Support us on a monthly basis

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$1 A Day Subscription


Same as the coffee subscription but for $30 per month.

Again - all money from Buy Me A Coffee subscriptions will be spent promoting the Poetry Catalog platform and its published poems.

Donate $1 per day.

  • Support us on a monthly basis

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Official Sponsor


Official sponsors will be listed on the footer of the main page, as well as our "Sponsors" page. 

Sponsors can, add a logo if desired and will be given a backlink to their site of choice to promote themselves.

Official Sponsors who commit for an entire year will be given a free Sponsored Post.

  • Become an official sponsor

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Insanity Sponsor


This is insane. 

Why are you even looking at this? 

There is no way you can afford this. Right?! 

I mean, if you signed up for this for a year, I would fly to meet you for dinner so we could brainstorm ways to grow Poetry Catalog + everything an Official Sponsor gets.

  • Be insane

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