Thank you!

Feb 12, 2021

Hi there! 👋

My name is Adela and Podcast Brunch Club (PBC) is my passion project. PBC is like book club, but for podcasts! PBC is a community of engaged podcast listeners. At the heart of PBC is community and conversation.

I started Podcast Brunch Club in 2015 with a few friends in Chicago. I never imagined it would grow to 70+ chapters across 6 continents. It's a passion project and a labor of love that is 100% volunteer run. It takes a lot of work and out-of-pocket expenses to keep it running. If you feel that PBC has contributed to your life in any way and you have the financial ability, please consider buying me a coffee (or a few) every month.

Since starting PBC, I have come to realize that peoples' love of podcasts is just a small piece of why people gravitate toward the idea of PBC. Much more appealing is that it's allowing people, often times strangers, to come together in real life and have meaningful discussions.

There is a loneliness epidemic among young people. Social media has made us think we're interacting with the world, but we're not. I have no delusions that PBC is saving the world, but because we come together in real-time and face-to-face all over the world, I feel very strongly that it's doing a tiny bit to help people truly connect.

So, how does it work? Every month we choose a theme and publish a podcast playlist with 3-5 podcast episodes on that theme. Then, people meet in 70+ local chapters around the world to discuss what they heard: like book club, but for podcasts! We also encourage cross-chapter conversations through a variety of online platforms. While members participate locally, they are all still a part of a global community: so, the PBC members in Shanghai are listening to and discussing the same episodes as the people in London. It's been amazing to see my little passion project go worldwide!

To make this all possible, I spend countless hours outside of my day job working on it. I am doing all of this to create a community that helps people make authentic connections over a shared love. My biggest aspiration has come true: through the local PBC chapter meetings, people make connections with old and new friends alike while engaging in discussions about thought-provoking topics. These days it has become so easy to hide behind our earbuds and screens. So, I created PBC as a way to put our phones aside for a second to invest in creating social connections.

I don't believe in putting any of this behind a paywall, but I am hoping that we can grow PBC together. Here is what it takes for PBC to continue to reach people around the globe:

- Launching 2-4 chapters a month
- On-boarding 100+ new members/month Liaising with 70+ chapter leaders
- Managing social media, website, and newsletter (subscribe here)
-Compiling monthly listening lists with as much community input as possible

I love every minute of PBC because I'm helping to create personal connections, often between complete strangers. That gives me the warm fuzzies in a major way.

Thank you for your support of PBC and happy listening!!!I

Adela Mizrachi
Founder, Podcast Brunch Club

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