Pub week is always a combination of fear and excitement. It never gets old to hold a copy of your new book - in this case Thunderball - in your hand. The small amount of people who read the e-arc loved it and I got some great feedback and a super blurb for the jacket. The network of contacts that I've been building up over the years came through (and continue to come through) in a big way. Also it...

Pub week

Apr 02, 2021
131 Vues
In our writers room Tuesday night we were chatting about writing groups - the various different kinds and how they can be a great source of support. Advice for finding the right writing group for you? it comes from networking. Say you’re in a class, or doing a course, suggest a writing group and if there is interest, set one up. Reach out to friends, look for ads in bookstores. Call your local b...

Notes from the Writers Room

Mar 18, 2021
124 Vues
All you need to know is that Nikki - our narrator - is doing a favour for a friend and it goes sideways from there. Enjoy! I put the Rover in the space closest to the exit. I’ll have to evade Gav’s chatty doorman, the chap loves a mug of tea and a gossip with any passing tenants. I tuck my hair behind my ears, entering the reception area, out of sight of the desk and the first thing I hear, is...

Sneak peak at Thunderball

Mar 09, 2021
168 Vues
Routine is hard when every day is pretty much groundhog day. In trying to claim some of it back, at 10 a.m on a Sunday morning, when I'd normally be sitting in a coffee shop to do a couple of hours writing I have been doing zoom write ins with a couple of friends in England. We have the radio on in the background and a cup of tea/coffee to sip whilst we work. It's drop in, just over 30 mins, if yo...

Open Flame Press Cafe - 2/21!

Feb 07, 2021
140 Vues

New cover art

Feb 05, 2021
180 Vues
Yay, a productive week! We're finalizing the cover of Thunderball, just a few more tweaks, hopefully I can get agreement on those next week. I'm also going to post an excerpt from the first chapter here too. Everything is humming at the store and I wrote my dad a long letter that went off to England in the mail yesterday. Dad's confined to his room at moment and having something to read should hel...

Coming soon

Jan 31, 2021
124 Vues
and that has been really hard for the last year. I've got two short stories in the works, and this year they will see the light of day. The most writing I've done apart from a couple of short edits on Thunderball (it's amazing what you see when you've not looked at a 'ready to publish' ms for a year) is blurbing books for other authors (which is one of my favourite things to do). When I first came...

'Write something' it says

Jan 23, 2021
114 Vues