About Piotrek Witek
Hey! 👋
My name is Piotrek Witek and I'm creator and maintainer of "React & Redux in TypeScript - Static Typing Guide" and its ecosystem of libraries:
I love making tools for developers but it requires constant maintenance effort to keep up with rapidly changing technologies.
If you or your company use some of my work, please consider a donation so I can continue maintaining and evolving these projects.
Your sponsorship will primarily support my ongoing work on React & Redux in TypeScript - Static Typing Guide, typesafe-actions and utility-types as well as other open-source projects in the ecosystem that I would like to improve like react-redux-typescript-realworld-app.
Even the smallest donation will give you a supporter status and you'll get subscribed for notifications from me whenever I'm releasing an update or publishing a new project!
Thank you for your support! 🙌
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