About Phil Bowyer
gonna make you laugh!
Former firefighter turned rule-breaker, rebelling against the status quo of social norms and capitalism. Co-Founder of @WeAreBoozeHound.
I do daily GiggleShots every Monday through Friday and I'm the madman responsible for the NC-17 podcast, "Under The Influence".
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With the recent update to TikTok's privacy policy, I have decided to delete my account and no longer post on the platform. While social platforms (and others) collect copious amounts of data, it was the collection of biometric data (voice and face prints) that was the final straw that broke the camel's back on hump day. At first, I was kinda pissed, but I realized, as my wife says, everything happ...
Why GiggleShots Are Leaving Social Media Platforms
Jun 13, 2021