About Akshay Nair (phenax)
building open source software for web and linux
Hey there! I like to make and break open source things for the web and linux. You can buy me a coffee to keep me going.
Here's some of the stuff I've created -
* is-a.dev - A subdomain registration service for developers to get a `name.is-a.dev` domain for their personal websites for free
* bsp-layout - A dynamic layout manager for bspwm
* shotkey - A suckless hotkey daemon for x11
* algebraic-effects - Implementation of algebraic effects in javascript to standardize effectful code
* pattern-lock-js - Pattern lock screen library for the web in vanilla javascript (html5 canvas)
Recent supporters

DevBX bought a coffee.
Messi or Ronaldo?

amy.codes bought a coffee.

Someone bought a coffee.

Miguel Angel bought 5 coffees.