I provide the information on the website for free as my way of giving back.
However, some people have asked me if there is a way they can show their appreciation for the information.
I created a 'Buy Me A Coffee' page for those requests.
It is not required, but if you feel so inclined, feel free to fuel my love of coffee :-) ❤️
Seguidores recientes

Debbie ha comprado 3 coffees .
thank you for all this research and for sharing your thoughts. I have learned so much and feel much better about making the right choice for my kitties.

Nicole from atx ha comprado 3 coffees .
Licensed vet tech here who is so appreciative of this amazing resource you have created. I have done a similar but much less thorough dive, and to have all the info laid out like you have it is PHENOMENAL!! THANK YOU!!