Finding A Balance

Finding A Balance

Aug 24, 2020

I started working at a supermarket in early April, and after a few changes in my personal life I am finding I have a lot more time to write. In fact, it's more time than I've ever had before. So I'm trying to learn how to manage my time better.

After all the ups and downs I've had recently I've not had much time to really focus on getting into some good writing habits. If you've been reading my blog over at you'll know I'm in the process of rebuilding my life. Relationship ended and back at my parents. I'm back on track and am now getting a little bit of discipline compared to when things first. When I first tried writing again after I moved back to my folks house I was really struggling with concentration and that discipline that is needed to have any level of success in this field.

I thought it was going to take longer to any serious progress made, but I seem to have got to a place were I am moving forward much sooner than I was expecting.

Now what I need to get right is finding the balance between work, writing and relaxing and to be flexible with it. The most important thing is time with my loved ones, which is difficult with Covid out there.

Time with loved ones isn't what this profile is about though. It's about writing. I've got a first draft of a short story done, and did a digital edit of it tonight. I've printed it off so I can red pen it in the next few days. I've also been working on a new short story for another anthology. I've also got to print of the zombie book for a red penning as well.

What I'm aiming to do is spend some time at my desk everyday. Now that does all depend on the world. Like today, I finished work, came how and had something to eat and then chilled out for a few hours. After dinner I sat down and edited and then wrote for a little. I want to be doing more of that, and finding what works best for me. Like today it was relaxing for that time and then getting some work done. Yesterday was similar. Got home, had a chill out and something to eat and then came up to my office and got some writing done.

On days off I'd like to get back in the habit of being up at about 8am and getting to work for a solid few hours and then relaxing.

If I can find the right balance I'm pretty sure I can step up a level and get more efficient with my writing output. I'm not going to set myself any goals with this, I'm going to do what I did with writing and take one step at a time and see how it goes. I've got the drive and I'm building momentum.

So let's keep it going.

(This is an excuse Buy Me A Coffee post).

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