Sooperflea Club membership will list you as a supporting member in our podcast show notes, a shout out in episodes, an invite to contribute a line to a collaborative story, & a new member shout out here! Email us, unlock exclusive content, early access to our work and complete backlog of posts!
Email with us!
Be listed as a supporting member in our podcast show notes! And receive a shout out in our podcasts and here on BMC!
An invite (if you'd like, no pressure!) to contribute one line to a collaborative story!
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Gain erly access to our work before the general public!
Access to our full library--access to our complete backlog of posts!
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Level 2 - The Gneeecey Club
Gneeecey Club membership gets you listed as a supporting member in podcast show notes, a shout out in episodes, an invite to contribute a line to a story, plus a new member shout out here on BMC! Email with us too! We'll offer you e-books and exclusive bonus content!
Be listed as a supporting member in our podcast show notes! And receive a shout out in our podcasts and here on BMC!
Unlock exclusive posts and messages!
Receive gifts of e-books (Gneee-books!)
Receive an invitation to contribute one line (if you'd like, no pressure!) to be included in a collaborative story!
Email with us!
Gain early access to our work before the general public!
Gain access to our full library--access to our complete backlog of posts!
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Level 3 - Vicki's Inner Circle
Unlock exclusive posts/messages, and receive e-books! Be listed as a supporting member in podcast show notes, and collaborate with me on stories! Gain early access to my work, see work in progress and take a glimpse into my creative process.
Be listed as a supporting member in our podcast show notes! And receive a shout out in our podcasts!
Unlock exclusive posts and messages!
Receive gifts of e-books (Gneee-books!)
Receive an invitation to contribute one line (if you'd like, no pressure) to be included in a collaborative story!
Email with me! (And with Gneeecey!)
Collaborate on a story with me. Or have me write a story featuring you and/or your pet!
Gain early access to our work before the general public!
Gain access to our full library--access to our complete backlog of posts!
Gain access to work in progress updates, a glimpse into my creative process.