Paul E Cooley
62 прихильники(ів)
Update From The Trenches

Update From The Trenches

Feb 07, 2024

Howdy, Patrons.

As I write this, Shadow is on my desk and I'm having to type around him. It's our new morning routine. Why do I mention this?

Shadow got very sick and lost over a quarter of his body weight. We have him on a special diet now and he's getting better, slowly gaining the weight back, and he wants to be fed 24/7. I guess this means he's going to be okay.

I'd hoped that 2024 would be better than 2023, but thus far it's not trending in that direction. But what is looking good is the publishing schedule. I think. Maybe. We'll see.

An Ancient Trap is currently in Scott Pond's capable hands for layout and final cover design. The newly edited and rewritten Evolution is currently in the hands of a beta, and I'm slamming through Oceania with every iota of focus I have.

When I feel as though the books are in their penultimate state, I'll be updating the existing "ARCs" on Patreon and BMAC. When I do, I'll put out another announcement, and if you haven't beta read before, or you want to help me make it the best book possible, you can give it a read-through and let me know any errors you find.

When I come up to breathe again, I'll hopefully have more and better news. Like release dates for AAT and possibly even Evolution.

Be safe, have a great week, and we'll talk again soon.

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