Patrick God
110 sostenitori
.NET 6 🚀 Auth Claims & EF Core Paginati ...

.NET 6 🚀 Auth Claims & EF Core Pagination

Dec 20, 2021


Today, I’ve got two videos for you to watch.

Some of you were totally right about the last authorization video - reading the user’s claims was missing. So, I added this new video to fix that. 😊

Next, if you’ve ever struggled with pagination and Entity Framework, here’s hopefully the solution for you.

In this video you’ll learn how to use the methods Skip() and Take() to limit the number of elements you get from a certain table.

I hope these tutorials are useful for you. Thank you very much for your attention.

And if I don’t read from you in the next couple of days: Happy Holidays!

Enjoy some calm moments with your friends, family, or by yourself. 😉

Take care,


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