Folding into the Unfolding

Folding into the Unfolding

Jun 13, 2021

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my Buy Me a Coffee page.

I have been contemplating a membership platform for...a very long time. It has rolled around in my head and my heart for years. I haven't really figured out how to "successfully" get it out there, but I figure I'll just start. Finally.

So, as some of you know and some of you are just figuring out - I'm an origami artist, with my main focus on paper cranes. (I'm also a mom, "unofficial" writer, editor, "hub" of information, with a deep interest in healing trauma and helping humanity to become the absolute best version of itself...more on that over time!).

I love paper cranes. I love the symbolism they offer - peace and hope, healing and luck - such a beautiful way to represent something so important in our world.

Because of their important symbolism, I have this deep desire to make as many as I can and share them with the world. My original plan was to make my entire operation a membership platform so that I could continue to give them away, and so that you, my supporter, would know that you were helping so many others receive another tool on their healing journey...however, I lacked the know how, the "get up and go", the insight, the drive...but that drive is returning. Because I continue to give so many away, and my creations have diversified in their possibilities, I need more ways to support this endeavor. I don't want to simply sell my art, I want it to be so much more to so many more! There is something enriching to all of us to give and receive a powerfully symbolic item.

So, now I'm here, once again exploring this possibility of a membership platform. I have so much more that I want to say, so, more posts will definitely come! And it won't just be about paper cranes. I'll likely talk about my day, things I noticed, things I'm learning, and ways to help you, too, in your day. Because we are all connected and the journey of life is so much better enjoyed together.

Endless gratitude!

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