Trips to Ivano-Frankivsk(Part 2)

Trips to Ivano-Frankivsk(Part 2)

Nov 29, 2023

In this post, there will be more about the churches and the monuments of Ivano-Frankivsk.

It turns out that among the most interesting sights in Ivano-Frankivsk are not only Orthodox and Greek-Catholic churches, churches, but also the Armenian Cathedral and even the ancient reformist synagogue - Tempel.

The Central Market Square is literally surrounded by religious buildings.

One of the dominant features of the center is the former Jesuit church. Originally, its foundation was laid in 1720, and the construction of the church was completed in 1729. But as early as 1753, the building was dismantled due to engineering mistakes.

During the years 1753 - 1763, under the leadership of the fortification engineer S. Pototsky, a new church was built in the Baroque style. The temple was restored twice: in 1885 and in 1955. Today it is the Ascension Cathedral of the Greek Catholic Church.

On the right side of the cathedral is the square of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi, which in terms of its beauty and located monuments is not inferior to the square where the town hall is located.

The dominant feature of the square is the Church of the Virgin Mary with a bell tower (1672 - 1703). The church was built in late European Baroque styles according to the project of F. Corassini and K. Benoe.

In 1877, the artist E. Fabiyanskiy executed monumental paintings in the interior. In the 19th century. buttresses are attached from the outside.

In 1882, the church was repaired after a fire. Under the church in the crypt was the ancestral burial place of the Potocki family.

Today, the former church houses an art museum.

The third temple in the center of the city is the former Armenian church, built between 1742-1762 in the Baroque style on the site of the old wooden one that stood here since 1665. In the 1760s, Jan Soletsky painted the church's frescoes. During its existence, the temple was rebuilt and restored several times, as a result of which it significantly changed its appearance: two round towers became lower, the tower that crowned the roof disappeared, the configuration of the pediment changed.

In the 70s of the last century, a museum of the history of religion and atheism was placed in the church, and in the early 90s it was handed over to the autocephalous Orthodox community.

Another church is located a little further from the center. This is the Holy Trinity Cathedral - a one-story church, an architectural monument, built in 1893 as a church of the RCC. In Soviet times, it was used as an archive.

Well, let's walk a little more around the city center.

The Oleksa Dovbush State Historical and Memorial Museum is a museum-collection dedicated to the life and activities of Oleksa Dovbush.

The museum's exposition is based on the private collection of the director of the museum, doctor of historical sciences, professor, honored figure of Ukraine Volodymyr Hrabovetskyi. The researcher devoted almost 45 years to the collection of materials related to the life and activities of Oleksa Dovbush.

Oleksa Dovbush is a legendary hero of the Carpathians, one of the leaders of the Opryshki movement, who fought for the liberation of the enslaved peasantry. In the museum, anglers can familiarize themselves with the following exhibits:

  • documents and scientific works about the Opryshki movement in Prykarpattia;

  • works of art dedicated to Oleksiy Dovbush;

  • paintings made during Oleksa Dovbush's lifetime, as well as illustrations from later times on the subject of the same name;

  • the manuscript of the literary script for the film "Olexa Dovbush" (L. Dmyterka and V. Ivanova);

  • the legendary ax of Dovbush, which was kept for two centuries by the descendants of the witnesses to the death of the opryshka.

I will also mention the "Feast of Blacksmiths" — the traditional annual International Blacksmith Festival in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, which was started in 2001; is held before the City Day (May 7) and lasts for several days; one of the largest cultural and artistic events and a significant tourist attraction of the city, one of the largest blacksmith festivals in Eastern Europe.

It has become traditional within the framework of the Ivano-Frankivsk Festival "Feast of Blacksmiths" to make a joint sculpture by all its blacksmith participants during the event[8], for which performers receive Festival diplomas, and according to the jury, the best are awarded with honorary awards. These decorative compositions are a gift from the blacksmiths of the world to Ivano-Frankivsk for his birthday and thanks for the hospitality and friendliness of its residents.

Such forged sculptures, made during the holiday, have in recent years been solemnly opened at the beginning of the next International Festival, and thus, the city already has several original monuments.

So, I'll show you bars and entertaiments in Ivano-Frankivsk in the 3rd part of this post.

You could find the other parts here:

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