I am losing my kidneys!

I am losing my kidneys!

Jul 05, 2023

Since you are on this page, it means that you know about what happened to my family and to me at the end of 2022.

In a few sentences: I left Russia because of persecution in the fall of 2022 to Europe, and when I announced that I'm about to return in early December, my neighbors in Goryachiy Klyuch /Krasnodar Territory/, many of whom are PMC Wagner employees and their supporters, set fire to my family’s house and it burned down to the ground. It burned down in 4 hours along with all my family's property and my remote workplace. A week after the fire, someone tried to maraud the burnt house, then provocateurs wrote a denunciation against me. In mid-January 2023 - I learned that a criminal case had been opened on arson, and two days after this news - my social networks were hacked. I continued to receive threats all the time, and they especially intensified in March-May 2023 after a series of my interviews and publications.

During this time, there were personal tragedies in my family, for example, my father "burned out" from stomach cancer - and died on May 9, 2023.

My daughter and wife suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and police interrogations.

All the events that happened to my family and property in Russia - I passed through myself. At the same time, I was forced to survive in Spain, with almost no support from anyone here.

On the night of May 15, 2023 /after I learned about the death of my father and about his funeral/, I was hospitalized in the Hospital with harsh pain and, according to the results of an examination in the emergency room, I was found to have a stone that came out of my right kidney and an inflammatory process.

Since I could not afford to pay for hospital services, I was discharged home on the morning of May 15th with recommendations for home treatment and a list of medications that I need to take.

Basically, the essence of the treatment recommended to me was to wait for the stone to come out naturally, and take more opioid painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

But since I was in pain, I went to the local municipal clinic /CAP/ with my CatSalut government insurance. Unfortunately, procedures of consultations, and collection of analysis results - dragged on until the end of May, and in the end, the diagnosis that an inflammatory process was going on in me was confirmed. I already knew it on May 15th!!!

But, the CAP was able to schedule an ultrasound test for me ONLY on November 16, 2023 (5 months after the appeal).

Right after I went to the emergency room of the Hospital Park Tauli in Sabadell and other urgencias - but the answer was about the same: "Go home, and wait for the stone to come out by itself".

My left kidney, which was initially healthy, began to hurt, as it worked for two.

So, I had to take an urgent loan from my neighbors and immediately purchase paid medical services. I wanted to save both my kidneys! On tramadol, I wasn't able to work or do anything else.

Throughout June and July, I underwent an examination at a paid medical center (all the same - blood tests, ultrasound/CT, and specialist consultations), but, alas, even for money, they can’t schedule an operation for me in the coming weeks and I still need to take medicine all July for pain, urinary and anti-inflammatory drugs.

I used all possibilities to have a cure for myself so I bought cheaper Blemaren in Russia (friends loaned me roughly 48 euros in Russian currency) and hopefully in July it'll be delivered to Spain.

Unfortunately, I feel more pain in my left kidney, and July 5, 2023 I paid a visit to my CAP therapist without success! She says I need to wait, wait, wait...

IN TOTAL I PAID FOR MY TREATMENT SINCE 15th OF MAY: 367.00 EUROS + 100 EUROS transport expenses.

I need to pay back my debt and buy new drugs to save both my kidneys!

I URGENTLY NEED 467 EUROS of debt + 227 EUROS for new 3-month insurance.

So, now you know ALL story and IF you may donate any money and help me pay back my debt and buy new medicine - please do not hesitate! Any sum will be appreciated!

I may provide more detailed information on your request or a different payment method!

P.S. Some personal details were erased because of safety concerns.

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