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Відомості Fernando Paiva
Нещодавні прихильники
Talking Drums by Fernando Paiva
Oct 17, 2023
202 перегляди
Lots of Percussion on this one.. i did everything by myself with some additional programing by Philipp Haffner, It is about this Tribe feeling . A duel between myself on vocalpercussion and myself on percussions. . Some Maracatu kind of Rhythm.
The Tribe by Fernando Paiva
Oct 17, 2023
280 перегляди
This Song is about our steps in this world - a beautiful suite https://soundcloud.com/fernando-paiva-da-silva/meus-passos?si=795724889d7548e18e4ee1d51cc2f314&utm source=clipboard&utm medium=text&utm campaign=social sharing