My Tidbit: There is a spiritual war upon us and the problem is you must know your adversary. Let your heart hold fast the truth with strength and love and be right, just, and fair in all your dealings be it in word or deed. The time comes to choose God or mammon(money) - which will you choose?
There's a spot in scripture where Jesus curses some evil spirits inside of a man. As he curses the spirits he casts them out of the man and they are transferred into a bunch of pigs that run off a cliff.
Cursing is a powerful Egyptian magic that can rebound back to the originator. Now, Just imagine some shadowy character decided to curse money, and as long as money exists the curse is alive.
Digital can help only if the course taken forward is benevolent as opposed to what is. This I mean in all aspects including a moral compass, common-sense and more attention to the Socratic Daemon(Voice of Conscience).
My Tidbit: I've watched a few videos, especially one by Matt Walsh about "What is a woman?" I was watching and I could not believe how people chose to walk away from Logos(reason, logic, the mind of God) and concoct excuses at a whim.
A little common sense could go a long way - Listening to the educator in this video it's obvious she's an Idealogue who's been indoctrinated with this rubbish. I just feel sorry for her students for they will be indoctrinated by/with her biased views.
I personally feel the present education system is a Sodom-Go-Marxist initiation tool. A country and its freedom can only exist amidst a society of moral people, but the "Üsusal Suspects" have created "Degenerate Moderns" to divide and conquer and consequentially destroy.