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The Cognitive dissonance block of Truth

The Cognitive dissonance block of Truth

Dec 04, 2022

Cognitive dissonance is the mental conflict that occurs when core beliefs are contradicted by new information.


The unease or tension that this conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to ridicule, anger or any other defensive means to preserve stability of their conceptions of the world and themselves.


Our individual and collective human system is used to a certain “normal” way of operation.

A way of understanding and perceiving this life, that we have become familiar and comfortable with.

We like our comfort zone.

Change causes the human system stress. 

We rather stay in the known, even if this known is faulty, then accepting the challenge of diving in the unknown.

Our human survival Mind demands control to find familiarty and regain safety in stress of change.


But if you like it or not change is here.

We will

No longer look away!!!

And no one will ever have the same perspective again because everything is changing in this worldwide virus of Truth coming to Light.


It is forcing and teaching us, by confronting us with our own and collective mental conditioning that blocks expansion and change.

Triggering every lower aspect in your emotional database with memories of fear, insecurity, lack and loneliness.

In the now we are all confronted with these aspects in our own personal way, revealing our own hi-story of fear.


Fear about safety, fear about health, fear about death fear about being laughed at or being called crazy when we bring our True emotions


Fear, the lowest dense vibration that causes the human design to transit from creation of life to survival for life.

Fear is the most devastating hormonal virus in the human body.


We have two systems in our human design that can operate and sit behind the stirring wheel, navigating this portal of change:


1. Mental - your Subconscious Mind

With your subconscious Mind you surpress, deny and reject fear and activate survival behaviour of Fight, Flight, Freeze, Hide and Fawn.

This behaviour of the Mind does not actually deal with the fear but finds a way to relate to it. And if fighting and flying from it is no option, like with this virus and our Lockdown, we move into Freeze, Hide and Fawn. We adapt and submit to our surrounding narrative to regain the feeling of belonging and safety.


2. Emotional & Spiritual - your Concious Heart

With your full conciousness you understand the triggers, the emotions that you feel, the survival mode based on your hi-story that kicks in automatically.

You see and observe what happens but you discern.

You are able to hold on to the driving wheel, reverse, sit back and feel your way through the emotion, quiet your Mind and remain in the Now.

When you break through the cognitive dissonance you release fear and enter your heart space.

There you can feel what your heart and Spirit are telling you. What is right for you in this moment connected to all. What is your truth alinged with your path and your values and mission in this Life connected to all there is.


Your Mind builds up a persona/ego in the early age of childhood. This is the protection asset of the human design system.

For as a child you have to be able to adapt to your surroundings in order to get what you need; love, attention, basic needs etc.

This means you have to deny and repress those parts of you that see or feel different emotions then what your family or others allow you to deal with. So your Mind adapted to this narrative to survive the reality back then.


It is to devastating for a child to acknowledge the fact that your parents could, would or can not give you what you needed, so you make it go away with your Mind.

To make this reality acceptable, your younger self build up a persona/ the Ego that found a way to hide your truth and adapt to collective narratives and do what was asked of you to belong.

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