Having a Routine in Quarantine

Having a Routine in Quarantine

Apr 26, 2020

I'm all about having a solid morning routine. If my morning routine felt scattered-brained then my whole day will be out of whack. I have played around with several different routines, however, I feel like my routine changes as much as Facebook changes its privacy policy.

Luckily, I stumbled upon the Mindset Mentor Podcast and the host, Robert Dial, shared the SAVERS morning routine theory. This isn't his idea, but I'm glad he shared it.

The SAVERS morning routine is an acronym that stands for:

S - Silence

A - Affirmation

V - Visualization

E - Exercise

R - Read

S - Scribe (write)

I have been using this throughout quarantine, and I feel like it has been greatly motivational for me. It easily tackles the major things I want to accomplish in a day, so I start off feeling pretty productive. And feeling productive is super important to me.

I created a simple printable of the SAVERS morning routine for you to put in your office to help you kick off your day productively.

If it is helpful for you, then please buy me a small coffee. :)

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