Dear Friends,
We are building a diverse and caring community where people of all faiths, races, worldviews, traditions, and cultures can share, learn, teach and widen their intellectual and spiritual horizons.
We would deeply appreciate contributions of any size given with a cheerful heart.
"A generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will be refreshed".
Please, consider supporting our work by joining our membership scheme.
Thank you for partnering with us in this noble endeavour.
With gratitude and appreciation,
Dr The Gomelauri
Director of the Oxford Interfaith Forum
Seguidores recientes ha comprado un book .

Someone ha comprado un book .
Just listened to another excellent presentation-- The Origins of the First Anti-Jewish Good Friday Hymns by Prof Demacopoulos. Thank you for making these available.

Someone ha comprado un book .

Jacob Chengwei Feng ha comprado un book .
God bless!

Someone ha comprado 10 books .
Thank you very much to the First Supporter who bought us 10 books!