The conditions for the emergence of "Fro ...

The conditions for the emergence of "Frown of Truth," which Silva teaches himself

Dec 16, 2023

Silva opened his mouth about Silva's "frown of truth," which allows GS Caltex fans to intuit the victory of the game.

Gisele Silva (registered name Silva) is a player who honestly expresses his feelings during the match. When he scores a goal or makes a good play, he smiles brightly or makes a charismatic roar, and when a game is not going well or he makes a fatal mistake, his expression becomes depressed or his head drops sharply. One of the things that drew attention from fans in the process was Silva's brow. Silva's brow, which frowns more and more clearly every time he scores a decisive goal, was nicknamed the so-called "frown of truth," which brings him closer to victory.

In the women's third round match between Pepper Savings Bank and GS Caltex in Dodram 2023-2024 V-League, which took place at Pepper Stadium in Gwangju on Sunday, Silva's brow was frowned upon to the fullest. On the day, Silva became the highest scorer of the game, scoring 29 points including four serve points and one blocking. His attack success rate was also high at 58.54 percent, and he committed only two errors. Amid Silva's strong performance, GS Caltex crushed Pepper Savings Bank with a set score of 3-0 (25-23, 25-23, 25-15) to secure three points.

Silva, who visited the interview room after the game, said, "It was an important game, and I'm very happy to win." When asked if he was in good condition on the day, he said, "I didn't feel much different from usual. However, the coach also said that he looked light from the day before the game, and Han Soo-jin, who warms up together, said so. "I had a five-day rest day before the game, and I realized the importance of rest," he said, adding that his condition was good thanks to the sufficient rest day.

After winning the match, GS Caltex's players received a two-night stay as head coach Cha Sang-hyun accepted Han Soo-ji's proposal. However, it is rumored that the players cheered before Cha's answer to the proposal and effectively forced Cha to accept it.

"I am grateful to the coach. It is good for us, but maybe not for him," Silva said. "I am also grateful to (Han) Su-ji for taking the lead." However, since Silva is both a player and a mother, she cannot rest comfortably even if she stays out overnight. "My child is having a fever recently. I think I need to take good care of him during the stay-at-home period."

Silva, who has to take care of his body while raising children at the same time and playing the ace role in the stadium, is striving to take care of his body. "Sometimes it's too hard, but I think it's important to overcome it while focusing on the common goal of the team members. Personally, I'm trying to maintain a good balance with life outside of volleyball. I think it's important to keep my body in shape until the sixth round and the playoffs after that, and I'm focusing on that," he said.

He also asked Silva how he felt about the rumor about "the brow of the truth" among his fans. Silva burst into laughter as soon as he heard the story, saying, "I don't know if it's good or bad (laughs). My brow is always frowned upon. My colleagues often talk about it, too. I didn't know that my brow was frowned at times when it was good. When I increase my score, I feel good but I feel something similar to my anger. But that's when the brow of the truth comes out," he said. "I think it's caused by the desire to win. I think everyone can understand what it feels like," he added with a shrugged look.

Silva will participate in the All-Star Game, which will take place on Jan. 27, 2024, through recommendations by professional committee members. He is also in the festival venue in his first season in Korea. "I haven't heard anything about the All-Star Game yet," Silva said, expressing his gratitude that he is honored to be able to participate only when he receives love from fans.

GS Caltex, which has overcome the crisis of consecutive losses and continues its winning streak again, should go on a full-fledged rise to chase the lead. It is likely that his colleagues, manager Cha, as well as GS Caltex's fans, will want to see Silva's "frown of truth" frowned more in future matches.


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