About ourfor
Hi 👋, I'm ourfor
🔭 I’m currently working on iOS/MacOS, React, Nodejs, SpringBoot, MySQL
🌱 I’m currently learning to put together ML Stack for Scalable Applications.
☁️ I've keen interest in deep learning. So,I'm learning Deep Learning
📝 I regularly write articles on ourfor's Blog
💬 Ask me about react, Objective-C, nodejs, SpringBoot
📫 Feel free to reach me out ourfor@qq.com
🔭 I’m currently working on iOS/MacOS, React, Nodejs, SpringBoot, MySQL
🌱 I’m currently learning to put together ML Stack for Scalable Applications.
☁️ I've keen interest in deep learning. So,I'm learning Deep Learning
📝 I regularly write articles on ourfor's Blog
💬 Ask me about react, Objective-C, nodejs, SpringBoot
📫 Feel free to reach me out ourfor@qq.com
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