Ntzrael a achetΓ© 20 coffees .
Your gorgeous music has done wonders for me. I hope this pays it back, even if in a tiny way.

Forrest Patterson a achetΓ© 10 coffees .
keep up the damn nice work, if you have a patreon i would love to subscribe to you. i don know how many times ive listened to your works

Kaira Scott a achetΓ© 3 coffees .
My 12 year old introduced me to your music. It is beautiful. Thank you

Timeknight a achetΓ© 5 coffees .
I've worked in various medical settings this last year with COVID going on, and on those really tough shifts, I came home to hear your music. It's not much, but I just wanted to thank you for uplifting my day when I needed it.

Benjamin MΓ€chler a achetΓ© 5 coffees .
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3,16