The Benefit of The Doubt

The Benefit of The Doubt

Mar 03, 2023

What was the last lie you told?

Why'd you tell it?

What would've happened if you told the truth?

Mine was last night while playing "Rogue Company" with a good friend of mine. I told him I was coming up the middle, only to flank him from the left lol.

I immediately apologized for the lie and told him I wouldn't do it again because the risk of being considered untrustworthy, at any level, is not worth it to me. He still beat me cause I suck at shooters, but I then went on to absolutely smash him at UFC 4 that same night. Not super important, moving on...

I'm just saying, why lie unless it's life or death? And even then, Idk man. The power of The Truth is actual.

I generally default to having faith in humanity and trusting that you guys know these things. That lying is foolish and counter intuitive; that an argument should be a cooperative undertaking; that you don't actually understand yourself and your motivations (this is why psychology is a thing) and so you ought to humble yo' silly ass when you step to me 'cause I know what tf I be talkin 'bout.

Idk, I just assume you guys know the basics.

That's against the 4 agreements though, so my mistake.

There are rules to this shit if you didn't know that already (yes tf there are, shut up and keep reading). Many have tried to write them down for us, but they can all be boiled down to this, and on this one commandment hang all the law and the prophets:

Be Good.

What does that mean? Well let's define the word "Good".

"Good" and "Bad" are words used to denote judgments in quality. Quality is discerned in value, and value quantified relative to intended end.

To simplify...


The Absolute Qualifications of Good and Bad, to The Highest of Reason:

Good [+Value]

  • Beneficial ['Good' not of its own worth, but of its consequent; things like “Wisdom” or guns; things advantageous to an intended end]

  • Satiating [a ‘Good’ graded to the degree that it fulfill a necessity; things like food and medicine; things necessary]

  • Pleasurable [‘Good’ for its own ecstasy; things like sex, taste, art; things enjoyable]

"Good" = Phenomena of such qualities & "Bad" = The inverse (relative to the intended end).

"Goodness" = The principle from which "good" things stem.

Now, IF you care to be good then you OUGHT to embody "goodness", and you should want to be be good because the universe rewards that shit. (Good) people, because you're being good to them, will give you whatever tf you need and sometimes what you want (and what are people but "The Universe" manifest?). Being Good won't stave off tragedy, but it is irrefutably, your best defense against it. Being Bad (an asshole) will only summon it faster. Start where you are and work your way toward your absolute conceivable best until, "Patrick... Your Godhood is showing."

Wouldn't it be good if you knew what step to take from here? 🐾


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