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Oí Lógoi

Oí Lógoi

Feb 26, 2024

As a writer in every respect, I have a special relationship with The Word, spoken or otherwise. I've really dedicated my life to mastering its formulation and I feel comfortable saying that I have a fairly firm grasp on its nature, causally and effectively. It's subtleties. It's profundities.

Still, even as a seasoned veteran of vibration and consciousness, when I came across the following information

I was en-lighten'd.


9 Types of Nonverbal Communication

  • Kinesics – How we move our body

  • Haptics – How we physically touch others

  • Proxemics – how we take up space

  • Territory – How we display power, or lack thereof

  • Environment – How we present our space and ourselves

  • VocalisHow we speak (rhythm, volume, tone)

  • Chronemics – How we use our time

  • Attraction – How we draw attention to ourselves

  • Olfactics – Pheromonal talk

If you're like me and have a repressed sense of expression, this stuff is important. Remember this. Study it. Relax that throat Chakra (pause).

Let it out beloved, you're beautiful and perfect in every way 🖤

P.S Apr 26, 2023

I'm halfway there. To becoming the person I know myself to be; the person I would've been from the beginning had the world not done everything in its power to repress and mold me into its frail, disgusting image.

I'm caring less about what people think of my authentic self; I'm boldly walking in the light of my truth one small step at a time; I'm becoming a Hashira of support and guidance to those around me; I'm sharing my music despite how scary that can be (thank you Madison McFerrin, "Try" was such an inspiring piece of your soul); I'm beginning to believe in myself, and soon I might really change things (but let's not get ahead of ourselves); I'm not taking anyone's shit anymore 'cause I know who I am and what I might really do to you if you fuck with me or anyone I care about.

We're getting comfortable, family.

Before I go, I just want to share a dream that I had a few months ago. I woke up and wrote about it to a friend because, well... you'll see. It was a lot for me.

Ladies and gentlemen, my unconscious! 😌💔

"Wtf man. I'm kinda tripping Rn. I just woke up from a dream where I was in this long term committed relationship with these people that I HAD COMPLETELY MADE UP IN MY DREAM.

I Miss them, I loved them, THEY LOVED ME... they really did. Deeply. And God, they were the most beautiful people I had ever seen. Wtf.

Why would my brain do this to me. I'm forgetting them already, but I should never forget them yknow? And what's worse is that it was 2 guys and a female, and the dream ended RIGHT AFTER THE GUYS BOLDLY DECIDED THEY WOULD COME OUT TO THEIR PARENT FOR MY SAKE. they said "you know what, I'm done hiding", the 4 of us cuddled up together finally not caring who saw, and then I wake up and lose all of them forever. What.

I think the worst part about it is that they really actually loved me. All of me. It's kinda sad that MY BRAIN HAD TO MAKE IT UP IN A DREAM FOR ME TO EXPERIENCE LOVE LIKE THAT THOUGH lmao what the fuck. Also, now I'm like, mad 💀 am I deadass going through the 5 stages? 💀💀

This pain is real. But they never were? wtf is my psyche dude Goddammit"


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