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Which is Greater?

Which is Greater?

Feb 03, 2024

First, I want to acknowledge that this is a really good question, let's come back to it.


Being alive is.... The Universe is so.... idk how to do this, let's just talk. It's a lot man. I just wanna do it right, yknow? But like, how? What does that look like? Maybe these are easy questions, but I don't have the answers, neither does Sway unfortunately.

How do I balance my understanding of God as a reality, with the practical realities manifest before me? I know I don't need money; I don't need to worry about the possibility of being axe murdered in my sleep on the road, etc, so what's keeping me from stepping back out there while the getting is good? Where is my faith?

Good questions.

I know it'll break my grandparents hearts if I leave; we're really just getting to know each other, but I can't worry about that right now. This stuff is too important so I don't have that luxury unfortunately. I love 'em to bits though, there's a lot of pain in these days. I know there's really no such thing as being 'ready', and more importantly I know what I want. I cant ignore that. I'm going. Eventually.

No seriously, I am, I just gotta shake off whatever is holding me back. This indecision. This fear.

Also, the correct answer is Moon Mist Cream, my friends.

Moon Mist Cream 💧


P.S Nov 10, 2023

I know now that you truly cannot serve two masters. It's just impossible.

"How do I balance my understanding of God as a reality, with the practical realities manifest before me?"

You can't. If you hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time it will eventually destroy you, you have to choose.

Which do you believe? The world said I would be swallowed in my folly if I continued trying to live for free on the planet where I was born.

"I know I don't need money; I don't need to worry about the possibility of being axe murdered in my sleep on the road..."

I was aware of my God's promises in theory, but at the time of posting this, I hadn't yet sufficiently put them to the test. I hadn't yet seen them actually reflected in reality, and so I had no experiences in which to ground my faith. No reason to believe. Thus, I was hesitant to leave.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

~ Frank Herbert

What I've always believed since I was maybe 7yrs old though, is that it's gonna take bravery. That, I had plenty of experience to inner-stand, and plenty reason to believe.

"Being alive is.... The Universe is so.... idk how to do this, let's just talk. It's a lot man. I just wanna do it right, yknow? But like, how?"

By stepping out bravely into the unknown, in the name of what you know to be true. That's how Sway. That's how.

Now wipe the crust out ya' eyes and decide, which is greater?

El Shaddai's promises?


The World's threats?



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