Podcast - The Start of Something Great

Podcast - The Start of Something Great

Oct 15, 2021

Magic happens when you trust your instinct. It was March 2020, my travel business had hit a wall due to Covid. I needed a creative outlet to get me through this phase of my life. I'd been a guest on a friends podcast a few weeks before, it wasn't a great interview but it was honest and real. But, it sowed a seed and started me thinking that I'd like to start my own podcast. Fast forward 3 weeks, several hours of YouTube viewing to see how to start a podcast, bought a microphone and made some calls to friends to see if they would be my first guests.

Would I recommend you to start a podcast - YES I would. The benefits have been amazing. My network has grown and I'm linked to some of the worlds most impressive people, it has got me out of a comfort zone, it's stretched me, I've raised my game in terms of mindset and attitude. It's been a win-win.

The Travelling Optimist Podcast has enabled me to reach anther level of serving others and uplifting people. It's truly helped me become aligned with my true self, hosting the show has helped me grow as a person in ways that I didn't think possible. I absolutely love being a podcaster, I love the whole process and I love knowing the show is helping people through the insight from my amazing guests.

Thanks for your support, it means a great deal to me.

Hugs, Steve

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