The prolific nature of ICM

The prolific nature of ICM

Jan 16, 2023

What I really like about the photographic ICM technique is its possibility to create so many variations based on a given landscape and its conditions of the actual moment - the weather, the lighting, even wind or no wind, the time of day - all contributing to making a difference, and the final result.
With the camera on a tripod and more traditional photography, the images produced are almost copies of each other. Of course, you can vary sections and compositions, for example, but you can do that for ICM images as well.
It is impossible with the camera movements during the longer exposure times to repeat exactly the same as for the image before. In addition, the possibility of how to move the camera - the size and speed of the movements - and in which direction/where in the environment you pick up information to create the final result, will always add an exciting, almost experimental, surprise.
Often when I head out, especially if the weather and light seem "boring", my creative juices turn immediately to ... PERFECT weather for ICM! (intentional camera movement)
You can view and invest in many of my ICM captures on Bluethumb; for every image, there is probably two or three hundred deleted, plus a hundred more kept, that will never be seen! Its a very prolific style, but suits me perfectly!

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