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Відомості Jussi Jokinen
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We decided to join the omapaja community and we do hope that we get more visibility and with more visibility, we hope to achieve more work and assignments. https://osaajia.omapaja.fi/openinnovations
Now you can find us also on omapaja
Nov 23, 2024
Like most of our projects, this one is also work in progress. What is the better way to learn something new and keep your knowledge up to date. Check the source code and online demo here, https://github.com/n00bsaiboth/fullstackopen .
Running MERN stack on apache
Nov 23, 2024
We had time on our hands during the autumn rains, so we decided to do a restful api for demonstration purposes. You can view the source code here, https://github.com/n00bsaiboth/restful-api-with-php-and-mysql .
During the autumn rains, it's a perfect day for coding