Hi, I'm James.
I created One Hour Smart Home to help people build their own smart homes and tackle DIY projects for their homes.
You can read our content at onehoursmarthome.com or watch our content on youtube. I appreciate your support and every coffee helps us maintain the channel and provide great DIY content for you.
Thank you for your support.
Recent supporters

Amandeep bought 2 coffees.
Hey James, your video "How To Install Ecobee Thermostat Premium (New 2022 Version)" was brilliant! Got my ecobee premium setup! Cheers

Valerie bought a coffee.
Thanks for the info! I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while!!

Someone bought 4 coffees.
Saved the day! Had only 2 wires and came across your video. Got the transformer and she fired right up. Thanks very much

Jaime Caron bought a coffee.

Someone bought a coffee.
I found the nest doorbell video helpful