One Piece Adventure
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Memories of The Past
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Bypass all Giveaway Requirements in the Official Server
Character Role of Choice in the Official Server
Donator Role in the Official Server
Membership Role in the Official Server
Custom Profile Color, Profile Badge, Profile Image & Profile Thumbnail in /profile using /customize
Limited Card of Choice from last 12 months from The Archive (Every 3 Months)
Extra dig chance in /dig
20% Chance of getting flames in /fish
Able to set a weather reminder from /membership
Have to only remember 3 signs on Armament Haki Training in /voyage-prepare
Have to extra 1 minute to finish Observation Haki Training in /voyage-prepare
Extra 2 Save slot in /deck
Able to draw cards from past 6 Months using /draw
Able to do Single Oath for only 280 Diamonds & Unlocks Multi Oath without voting in /oath
Able to print cards for 20% cheaper (80 Premium Fragments) in /print
250,000 Berry per week
3,000 Diamond per week
500 Premium Fragments per week
500 Classic Fragments per week
1,000 Doubloon per week
Foul Legacy
Incluye ventajas de Discord
Bypass all Giveaway Requirements in the Official Server
Character Role of Choice in the Official Server
Donator Role in the Official Server
Membership Role in the Official Server
Custom Profile Color, Profile Badge, Profile Image & Profile Thumbnail in /profile using /customize
Limited Card of Choice from last 12 months from The Archive (Every 3 Months)
Extra dig chance in /dig
20% Chance of getting flames in /fish
Able to set a weather reminder from /membership
Have to only remember 3 signs on Armament Haki Training in /voyage-prepare
Have to extra 1 minute to finish Observation Haki Training in /voyage-prepare
Extra 2 Save slot in /deck
Able to draw cards from past 6 Months using /draw
Able to do Single Oath for only 280 Diamonds & Unlocks Multi Oath without voting in /oath
Able to print cards for 20% cheaper (80 Premium Fragments) in /print
250,000 Berry per week
3,000 Diamonds per week
500 Premium Fragments per week
500 Class Fragments per week
1,000 Doubloons per week
Acceso de por vida
The Will of D.
/Una vez
Incluye ventajas de Discord
Bypass all Giveaway Requirements in the Official Server
Character Role of Choice in the Official Server
Donator Role in the Official Server
Membership Role in the Official Server
Custom Profile Color, Profile Badge, Profile Image & Profile Thumbnail in /profile using /customize
Limited Card of Choice from last 12 months from The Archive (Every 3 months)
Extra dig chance in /dig
20% Chance of getting flames in /fish
Able to set a weather reminder from /membership
Have to only remember 3 signs on Armament Haki Training in /voyage-prepare
Have to extra 1 minute to finish Observation Haki Training in /voyage-prepare
Extra 2 Save slot in /deck
Able to draw cards from past 6 Months using /draw
Able to do Single Oath for only 280 Diamonds & Unlocks Multi Oath without voting in /oath
Able to print cards for 20% cheaper (80 Premium Fragments) in /print
250,000 Berry per week
3,000 Diamonds per week
500 Premium Fragments per week
500 Classic Fragments per week
1,000 Doubloons per week
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