Om svenska
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Join Om svenska @ Discord

Join Om svenska @ Discord

Apr 13, 2023

I'm excited to invite you to join my Discord community for Om svenska.

You have two options when joining: Join as a guest or become a member. Already a member? Scroll down ⬇️

Join as a guest

I understand that not everyone can afford a membership, which is why I offer a free guest tier.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Join Om svenska on Discord as Guest

Become a member and get more

If you'd like to support the continued development of Om svenska and get that little extra, consider becoming a member! As a member, you'll also gain access to:

🌟 An ever-growing collection of answers to language questions not available on
🌟 Members-only content, including exercises and early access to Om svenska articles.
🌟 A safe spot in the Discord community, even if you're inactive for some time.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» More about memberships

Vi ses snart! (See you soon!)


Members can search and browse through questions and answers not available on

Already a member?

Make sure to join the Discord community right away via the Membership Page. That's where you can reach out to me with your questions, chat with fellow Swedish learners, and keep up with the latest Om svenska news.

Make sure to join via the Membership Page, because that's how you get access to all the members-only stuff in Discord. If you already joined via the guest link, reach out to me on Discord and we'll sort it out.

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