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Bronze Level


Thanks for coming this far in the aim of supporting me.
I really love the outdoors, Spearfishing and Hunting and would love to make this a full-time career as such, which will enable me to create more content and share to more people!

  • Support me on a monthly basis

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Silver level


Every membership goes a long way to helping me full-fill my goal of making content full time. I really am grateful for your support, and will return the favour with better content!

  • Support me on a monthly basis

Gold Level


With Gold level, You are really making a big step to help fulfil a Kiwi blokes Dream to make videos and live from what he loves. Very grateful for your generous support!

  • Support me on a monthly basis

Superhero Level


You are a superhero and an absolute legend. You love what I do and have the financial backing to support me. I can't thank you enough! 

  • Support me on a monthly basis

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