Free galactic event 11/21/2021 - Sacred ...

Free galactic event 11/21/2021 - Sacred space for activation

Nov 15, 2021

Dearest friends,

We invite you to join us in sacred space where you will be supported in activation of whatever is ready to activate within you.

Who is this for for?

Anyone in need of energetic support for any incoming galactic activations or those already underway.

This is not a mass meditation. It is a consecrated energetic vessel in which to receive support for the activation, actualization, integration, and embodiment of galactic consciousness from energy codes within our own DNA that are already activating or will activate during this gathering.

We will be held safe and secure in sacred space supported by Andromedan consciousness through 9D-12D and from beyond.

Support from Andromedan beings and dragons will facilitate any clearing and healing to optimize the activation process of each person co-creating this experience.

Visual and verbal light language codes will be shared to facilitate this optimization of the activation process that each individual is undergoing/undergoes.

5:00 pm Pacific
6:00 pm Mountain
7:00 pm Central
8.00 pm Eastern

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Suggested energy preparation beforehand:

InsightTimer meditations by these teachers (this event is not endorsed by any of the following)

Steve Ahnael Noble

Kara Goss

Manuela Caranci


YouTube meditations by Abigal Pattman
(the Serenity playlist is a good starting place)

Preparation for the event

It is best to prepare an intention for activation that can be supported in the sacred space of the event. It can be anything from help finding a new job to remembering your soul purpose and true life path and everything in between. 

Other sample intentions

  • To heal, in general

  • To heal from a specific illness/condition

  • To overcome any mental or emotional/psychological challenges

  • To manifest/materialize a specific desired outcome like a new job

  • DNA activation (reverse aging, complete rejuvenation, higher sensory perception abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, reconnection to planet of origin, etc.)

  • Clarity about one's soul purpose and mission and next steps

Do a physical and emotional-mental clearing/detox as so guided. 

Receive support for self-healing. Suggested video support (mine):

This is a Sovereign Essence light language transmission sourcing from the higher energy bodies in the 167th-169th dimensional bands and enhanced by encoding ...

Get plenty of rest. 
Abstain from alcohol and psychedelics as well as strong prescription medication that causes ungroundedness at least 48 hours or 2 days before.

What to expect during the sacred space of the activation

You will enter a multidimensional sacred space consecrated to hold you safely while you undergo your unique activation process for whatever intention you have set or whatever is available in your DNA and energy fields. You will receive energetic support for a safe healing and clearing experience as well as for the actual activation itself. After the activation has fully occurred, you will then receive support for a smooth integration process that grounds and actualizes the activation.

You will hear light language spoken which are commands for your physical and non-physical bodies and your own higher consciousness to follow in order to achieve your intention. There will also be light language symbols shown onscreen that release frequencies for the same purposes as the verbal light language codes. Even if you don't look at the light language codes, they will broadcast the frequencies that do the job to function like and complement the verbal ones.


  1. Multidimensional Grounding

  2. Preparation: induction into the energy of the activation space

  3. Activation support commands (unpacking the divine codes within)

  4. Integration:

    1. Re-encryption

    2. Blueprint upgrades

    3. Synchronization: timelines, lineages, higher selves

    4. Realignment of all aspects with the physical embodied form and with the planetary body and the nature kingdoms of Earth

Stay present within your physical body through your awareness.

Receive what is in alignment with your intention and your highest good from the light language codes (verbal or visual or both) simply by listening.

Allow the activation experience to unfold in ease and grace.

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