It's like once you have a delicious Sour Patch Kid, how the hell can an apple even compare? The apple makes no noise within the realm of the taste buds. Now oooooooobviously you have to have another SPK, you can't have just one. Shit…the marketing gurus have us brainwashed. Why can't we just have one and then work to balance out the amusement park in our mouth by just getting back on the basic F...

It's a Wild Ride...

Jan 29, 2023
There's something much worse than feeling pain. There is something much darker than feeling sadness. There is something much more unfortunate than being down in the dumps. There is the chance that you'll feel nothing at all. You'll feel absolutely numb. You'll feel no joy or sadness for yourself. What you considered your purpose or your goals will be irrelevant to your daily existence. You'll ques...


Dec 13, 2022
There was a man by the name of Zarley. Zarley was a 30 year old emotional guy. He seemed to have the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. I could never really figure him out, but I never felt the need to try. Whenever we talked with one another, it was about martial arts, purity of interaction, the ups and downs of life, and much more. He was one of the few people, albeit emotional, I felt lik...

Finally at Peace

Nov 29, 2022
Turkey, sweet potato pie, more turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, turkey, gravy, sweet potato pie, blueberry pie, whiskey, turkey, bread, apple pie, turkey, whiskey, tequila, and then some turkey. How do we do it to ourselves? How do we eat so so much on one day of the year and then go back to some semblance of normalcy? You've now taken your bar for eating and totally pushed the boundary into the...

Have a very shroomy Christmas

Nov 25, 2022
To make an omelet, you've got to break some eggs. To write this post, I've got to be concise: You are not perfect. You're nowhere near perfect. If you're still alive, you're a work in progress and you better be working on that work in progress. If you're dismissive of working on yourself, then you're a sociopath. If you ignore this fact, then you're ignorant to your own needs. Your mind, your soul...

Check yourself before your wreck yourself (and others)

Nov 22, 2022
I think people forget that it's totally okay to not be okay. Seriously. To feel a little down, a little frustrated, angry, sad…it's normal. It's part of life. We are to experience these emotions so that when we're NOT experiencing them, we feel fantastic. Now, we don't want to feel these negative emotions all the time, but we need to have them, they are the other half of the scale. If you're in ...

Or Tequila and Chocolate Nuts

Nov 12, 2022
We could argue all day that there's no such thing as a "waste of time." Regardless of what you're doing, that time is still in use. So if you declare that it is a "waste," then that's just your poor perception of it. Through all of our experiences in life, good and not so good, we use up the most valuable resource of all - time. We can make more money, we can generate more energy, we can even grow...

They're from LuLu

Nov 05, 2022
Happy Halloween! It's been ages since I sat home in the morning and got my writing in. Usually I'm overwhelmed with things that need to get accomplished; going to the gym, getting errands done, sending emails, making phone calls... just a total time crunch before having to head to jiujitsu. NOT TODAY MOTHER FUCKERS . Today, today is a day where it's all switched around. There's too much chaos (or ...

Mmmm... Tacos.

Oct 31, 2022
The routine is the reason that we're able to acquire skills. The routine is the reason we're able to go to work, make a paycheck, pay our bills, and keep a roof over our heads. The routine of self-improvement exercises is the reason we continue to get stronger and more self-aware. The routine is also the reason that some of us start to lose our shit. I'm not losing mine, not that I know of anyways...

Here and Now

Oct 27, 2022