Filming is almost complete

Filming is almost complete

Feb 29, 2020

Well, I am currently out in Washington State, filming “A Nightmare On Elm Street: Up All Night” and, so far so good. I’ve seen the rough cut of what we filmed earlier this week and it is shaping up really nicely. Helped, of course, by the fact we have the production designer Mick Strawn working his magic on the set (he was responsible for Nightmare 3, 4 and other films too). It is going to be bittersweet to leave. I’ve made some great friends here and I am enjoying the filming process from the acting side of things but, I also cannot wait to get home to my own bed so that I can just bury myself under a blanket for a day, or two. I would say longer but, I need to put my big boy pants on and head of to Germany for a few days for a book fair so... yeah.... no rest for the wicked. Not yet anyway.

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