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👻 Time to visit those Lost Mons

👻 Time to visit those Lost Mons

Mar 24, 2023

🪦 Graveyards are here!

A lot of people have been asking for this feature, and it's also something I've wanted to implement for a long time. The fun of a Nuzlocke comes from the stories you tell, and a key part of those stories are the deaths and losses along the way.

So I wanted to do something more than just "Set the status to Dead".

Firstly, I wanted to make a dedicated place for you to remember your lost Mons, which you can now do in the "Graveyard" tab in the app

Secondly, I wanted to help tell a story about that Mon and how it was lost. So also introducing the Epitaph Builder (weird name for a feature I know...). Now, when you mark your mon as Dead - either from the status dropdown, or the quick kill button - You will be presented with this screen

On this screen you can enter the following information about your lost Mon,

  1. The Level they were both Caught and Killed at.

  2. Whether they were lost to a Boss Battle, a Wild Encounter or a random Trainer Fight

  3. For a Boss Battle;

    1. You can add Who you were facing

    2. What Pokémon they used

    3. And the Attack that killed you

  4. For a Wild Encounter;

    1. You can add the Location/Route they were killed

    2. And the Pokémon that killed them

  5. For a Trainer Fight;

    1. You can add the Type of trainer, e.g. Ace Trainer

    2. Their Name

    3. And the Pokémon they were using

All of this information is OPTIONAL, and you can entirely skip this feature if you like. But if you do enter some or all of this information, it will be used to generate a random epitaph to remember you Mon by. They're split into 5 categories

  1. Random from any of the following categories

  2. Dramatic story on how they lost the fight

  3. Having to sacrifice them to survive

  4. Making a mistake that cost them their life

  5. Having bad RNG

But these are all just to spark your imagination. You can write your own custom epitaph by clicking on the text and typing it free hand!


I can't wait to hear the stories, and hopefully share them over on Discord.


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