Acerca de Not Your Usual Education 神奇教育
creating content about Hong Kong education esp. English education
出教育,英文 post,要時間諗,要時間寫。
假如你支持我地嘅理念,覺得 Learning Should Be Fun; 香港小朋友嘅練習,教育唔應該咁變態,或者睇我地啲 post 覺得學咗嘢,想支持我地繼續寫落去,可以請我地飲杯咖啡🧡☕,等我地更有動力繼續做落去。
***新推出會員制, 等大家定期支持我地, 詳情㩒 "Membership"! ***
每個 member level 嘅簡介都多過三行㗎! 㩒入去就睇到~
It takes time and effort to write up content on our Facebook page. Even more so for our English story exercise series.
We believe that Learning Should be Fun. We are trying to promote that.
If you'd like to see more content from us, you can buy us a coffee here🧡☕
Note: The currency is in USD, not HKD.
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