The Suture decade: introduction

The Suture decade: introduction

Jan 28, 2022

Hello dear friends!

I write to you from the end of January, about four months since the launch of Suture. It has been a beautiful four months, full of kindness and connection and love. I'm so grateful to all of the wonderful people who continue to engage with my little book, and I've had the privilege of hearing from some readers that Suture has well and truly nestled into their souls. Thank you, thank you so very much.

I have a little project in mind to carry myself--and you, if you care to join me--through the last of the winter months and into spring, which I'll be launching very soon, and which I'm very excited to tell you about:

The Suture decade

As I've said before, Suture took me the entirety of my 20s to write. This book and I have been on a journey together, and I would really love to share pieces of that journey with you! I am an insatiably nosy person, and I love nothing more than to know exactly what was happening in a person's life as they were working towards some exciting goal that they've now achieved: Where did you live? Where did you work? How did you pay to be alive? Where did the time come from? Where did your motivation come from?

And so, our retrospective begins!

Every two weeks or so, I'll share a recap of one of my Suture years: how Suture factored into my life, where I was working, how my personal life was shaping up, and so on. I'll also share some of the notable books that inspired me as a person and as a writer. I'll post these updates here, and share links on social media, as well as share a very short recap every month or so in my newsletter. These will all be free and public to access, but if you're craving even more behind-the scenes...

The unpublished Suture

Every creative project has drafts and final versions, and every final version has something that didn't make the cut. Because writing Suture was spread out over such a long time and through so much personal growth, there is a lot that helped me write the book that you get to read today, but that didn't actually make it in between the covers.

I'll share a short excerpts from the unpublished Suture every few weeks, available to supporters here on Buy Me a Coffee. Buying just one coffee one time makes you a supporter, so there's no pressure to buy repeat coffees or become a member. Thank you for supporting me and my work!

Stay tuned for an update from 2012, coming soon!

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