So you wanna see high res images of my tattoo work before I drop it on insta, if I drop it there at all? Heres a ginormo archive of all my dang tattoos!
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Vampire Money
Whoa there, big spender! Here is where I will be dropping WIP tattoos, artwork, progress/speed videos of my drawings, ramblings, and first looks at prints, stickers, etc!
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Comprar Robyn un café
Es una metáfora amigable, no es un verdadero coffee. Cada "coffee" cuesta €2 y puedes comprar tantos como desees.
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Acerca de Robyn
tattoos, paintings, travel pics, and even sometimes recipes!
A lil tattooer making art! Tell me what you want to see, I always want to know! We got art, food, places, and some stuff about me I'm scared to put on insta/twitter! NOICE
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Ray ya es miembro.
My daughter is the best, most talented, sweetest girl in the world! Well tied with her sister…..😉