My Interview Article Is Now Published on ...

My Interview Article Is Now Published on Humans of Pixabay!

Sep 05, 2024

Hello everyone, how are you doing?

I have some exciting news—my interview article has been published on Pixabay!

I’m incredibly grateful and happy for this opportunity, as chances like this don’t come often 🍀

Answering the interview questions was such a fun and exciting experience.

I’d be delighted if you could take a moment to read the article when you have time 🌈

Humans of Pixabay featuring HarumachiMusic

There have been many challenges along the way, but I can continue creating music and sharing it with a wider audience thanks to the warm support from all of you! Your encouragement allows me to keep composing music on Pixabay 🍀

I’d like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude once again to everyone who supports me.

Right now, I’m in Osaka, and it’s extremely hot 💦

I often see news about extreme weather in other countries as well, which worries me...

I’m always praying for your health and well-being 🌈

Well then, it’s time for me to get back to making music!😉


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