Hi, my name is Milan, I'm from the Czech Republic 👋
I created this website about northern Vietnam (+severni-vietnam.cz), which will make it easier for you to travel in this area. This site is free for all visitors and travelers heading to Vietnam. Here you will find a lot of my information about possible travel around northern Vietnam. You do not pay anything for the content on this website, the content is completely free for all visitors. If you like the website and you are satisfied with the information, you can contribute a small amount to its further maintenance, updates, operation and I may also buy one coffee or snack 😋
What you can find on my website?
The most popular categories are:
> 16 Most interesting places in northern Vietnam + Maps
> Useful information and tips for traveling in Vietnam
> Transportation in Vietnam, how to travel, how to move
> Travel, railway, airport maps of Vietnam
... and another tons of information about northern Vietnam.
Thank you very much and enjoy your trip in Vietnam! 😉
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Mnoho užitečných informací, chceme hlavně podpořit a ocenit čas strávený u psaní. Čerpáme tu nějaké tipy na naši cestu Vietnamem.