Woodland Chickens

Oct 13, 2021

Free range chickens are very easy to care for, will save you money, and they will also live a healthier lifestyle.

Half way through the summer, Zach was offered 100 chickens for only $10! We couldn't pass up the offer, so we brought them home.

Since it was so sudden they had to stay in a outhouse ( we chicken proofed it ) with snow fencing. First few nights were hard. We had to pick up all 100 chickens and put them in their temporary coop. This lasted about 2 weeks. Once they realized that it was their safe space, they would go into it on their own once it got dark.

A few months ago we had a Shed a friend had given us, to use for the chickens. We turned it into their own chicken Manson. They have hay on the ground, and a roost. We are slowly insulating the Manson with straw, and adding the nesting boxes. Straw is a great insulator for the winter !

Straw Bales insulate the same as fiberglass, but since they are so much thicker, they provide a stronger shield against the heat and cold.

I have had a few questions that were asked.

"Do they really stick around?"

Yes, their natural instinct is to stay where they know is safe, and be close to food and water.

"What do you feed them?"

We feed our chickens crumble, and leftover veggies, and they also eat all the bugs. Say good bye to those Ticks and Mosquitos!

"Are they egg layers or meat chickens?"

All of them are egg layers except for the roosters. We will have an assortment of brown and white eggs.

"What are you going to do with all of those eggs?"

We will be bartering, selling them, and also eating some ourselves! Eggs are super high in protein and good fats. They also have tons of Vitamins and minerals.

"Do you have issues with predators ?"

Surprisingly no? Since we have 3 dogs, most of the times predators will leave them be. Having a nice coop for them to hide into plays a big factor as well.

Despite what anyone says, Chickens are very smart, if they hear or see a predator they will hide underneath pine trees, or decks or anything they can get under. We have found they will roost in our pine trees to get away as well.

If you are just starting to homestead, even if it's on a small scale I highly recommend it buying chickens.

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