Not Recommended Doesn't Mean They're Rig ...

Not Recommended Doesn't Mean They're Right

Jul 19, 2023

Let's talk about something that is Taboo to most of America. Something that they state as being a health concern if you consume it. But of course I have to be careful of what I share so I don't get "Cancelled"

Raw Milk. What is Raw Milk? it comes straight from the cow, and does not go through the pasteurization process

We have had Raw Milk before and it is something that is almost indescribable. It is so creamy, smooth and honestly doesn't really taste like regular Milk. I hate Milk, but Raw Milk I will drink!

We recently just bought into a cow so we are able to get a Gallon of Raw Milk a week. The environment was clean and in a big silver container to where we can open the lever and fill our glass jars. They test the milk monthly to make sure it is free of diseases. Which sounds scary but it has more benefits to you then pasteurized milk has.

Raw milk is a down-played super food. That is produced from grass fed cows (At least where we go) it is packed with nutrients and enzymes that help boost your immune system, helps reduce allergies. It is also easier to digest, controls blood pressure, maintains healthy bones and teeth, and excellent skin toner and moisturizer!

A few weeks ago we picked up the milk and we tasted it and noticed it didn't taste like it normally does. I was still able to add it to my coffee in the morning and use for cooking, but something just did not taste right. Come to find out the pasture has been so dry that when the cows eat it, it tastes more "Weedy" (no, not that kind of weed) but the grass was just so dry from the drought we had.

One day it started raining and it didn't quit for 4 months - Forest Gump. Kidding. It did rain for 5-6 days straight which brought more life to the grass! finally the taste of the milk is going back to normal.

If you ever get the chance to try raw milk or buy into a cow, do it! you will not be disappointed. It is almost life changing!

" Get in your kitchens, buy unprocessed foods, turn off the TV, and prepare your own foods. This is Liberating" - Joel Salatin

"You as a food consumer, have the priviledge of actively participating in shaping the world your childern will inherit" - Joel Salatin

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