If I Only Knew How Difficult Writing Can ...

If I Only Knew How Difficult Writing Can Sometimes Mean

Dec 27, 2021

Noise distracts many of us. Eventually, some of us are good at dealing with it. But not every single time! The truth is:

None of us can escape the noise

Instead, we overhear everything


We, humans, are capable of multitasking thousands of things at a time. The only catch is we do satisfactory work. Writing is a multitasking work where you connect emotions, write them, and form them into a piece that looks promising to read. A writer has to think like a narrator and a reader at the same time. A writer has to change roles, in every second, every minute drastically.

Even how hard as it seems, some people dodge noise well. Joyce Carol Oates — American Writer once said: 
“Whether you’re writing your first draft of a short story, screenplay or a magazine article, great writing requires time and focus.”

Some people can dodge distractions and write properly in a compelling way. On the other hand, most of us are suffering to write and facing a load of procrastination. So what do we do about it? How can we come back on writing? How can writing become easier for us?

Well, I know!

3 ways to write without the noise

Here are some ways to make writing easier and more fun for you:

1. Write in short bits

Since many of us leave writing for good and come back after a while, waiting can seem like a burden. But writing poems and short forms at first, writing should look like a gourmet. Write about your experiences or anything you've learned that might benefit others. Write poems on tasty topics and publish them on selective publication on Medium.

2. Do what is truly you

Let's assume writing is difficult. Then what…?

Journaling is a nice alternative for all those people who fear writing. Journaling and writing about your experience and then combing it into a form is a nice article. Remembering that writing ranges from anything you write in school to anything you write as a love letter, “everything means something.” Drafting it down and writing on Medium simply means it will stay there, forever.

3. Make writing Goodies

A lot of us (including me) are fond of innovative work. I followed the same legacy when I started placing a few notes with a few chunks of colored pencils and highlighter everywhere. You can see these types of chits in my bathroom stand, balcony, lobby area, kitchen, desk, and everywhere.

Another reason I put these things everywhere is that I'm always preparing for any drastic situation, whether my balcony door locks or I'm waiting for my coffee in my kitchen. This innovative idea comes with a reminder to write, write and write!

Final Thoughts:

Writing is hard. Even the best writers think too.

Hemingway once said, "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. Anything that requires bloodshed is difficult — trust me, I've had children!”

I'm the type of writer who faces multiple distractions when writing. Not just physical distractions but mental too. Sometimes one word would remind me about my childhood, while the other would make me crave coffee.

My friend, who is also a writer, can draft ten pieces simultaneously, in the same momentum. For me, it's hardly a two.

For me, getting myself up to write in the morning looks like the best solution until the other day is wasted too.

Remember, You're not alone.

Writing is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of courage and wisdom to write. The ideal practice is to get up again and write. How difficult as it seems, if you're made for writing, you'll do it.

You don't have to reach any milestones to become a writer — as soon as you start writing, you are one.

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