Noob’s Games
1 прихильник

Why Unity?

Sep 25, 2021

In this very short post I would like to share with You why exactly i chose Unity over other game engines. This post it's just simple pros list with my thoughts.

  • Huge community

    This is No. 1 when I think about Unity. This game engine is very popular and has huuuuuge developers community. "Why it is important?" may You ask. If You have a problem you might get stuck for a while. As a solo dev you haven't time to think about it more then 1 hour. If you have great community and popular game engine you can find right solution for Your problem in the web.

  • Tons of tutorials

    This is very important part especially when you start as beginner. You don't know how things work, you don't know how to code something, you don't know when to start. For Unity you can find great tutorials online. Youtube (Brackeys, Blackthornprod), are great places to learn!

  • Many platforms supported

    When you start with game development you can think about one platform as your main focus. But what if you wake up some day, and think about something sompletly different like Xbox One, PS4 develoment? With Unity you have support for almost enything! PS4,Xbox one, mobiles (iOS, Android), VR, PC's ... anything!

  • Simple game object and components workflow

    This idea is very simple. Everything on your scene is the object, and every object contains components to have specific functionality. For example, when I started with Godot, it wasn't that obvious. There you have scene inside scene inside scene etc.

  • Job opportunities

    UE and Unity have most job announcements! It's great opportunity to start make games for a living! Your future depends only on you!

That's it for today. I hope you enjoy this little post :)


Michael, AKA Noob's Games

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