You are number 1 in our hearts, and nothing else. You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 2: Adam and Simmons, Door and Frame
Your life will never be the same with your brand new Door and Frame! You have a need to shut people out. You need it! You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 3: You are our lovely triangle
Shape most beautiful, just like the great outdoors! U get a new more portable than before Door and Frame, an OutdoorPro! You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 4: Betty-Bie Beau:AVampireLoveStory
You are a romantic and love your son very much! His momma would be so proud hearing him play a fine trumpet solo! You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 5: The Unboxing Tier
If you unbox away, then you’ll have a good day! If you unbox tonight, then the triangle god will win the fight. You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 6: 6:66 Newshour Tier
This is what it is to go even further beyond! You don’t exist in reality, but in a dimension beyond the 60-minute hour. You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 7: 7:06 Newshour Tier
You are the trusty newsman, Adam Simmons, Prince of Eternia! You always get to the bottom of a story no matter the cost! You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier: 8 High-Quality TimeMachine Product
You are never breaking free from the endless cycle of “madam, circus time massacre," & infinite doorways. U r a Scorpio. You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 9: Frequent Football Fan
If u are at what is supposedly a real football game and no one gives blood to the Old Gods, then is it really football? You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 10: Top Ten and Surprisingly True!
You know better than all those other supposedly real, actual human people! You know just how to make Jerry squirm! You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 11: $1,000,000 Hide and Seek!
You are an amazing event with no interruptions (we promise). And you present enjoyable cameos from MrBeast and MrBeast?. You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 12: Christmas Baby
You always arrive at the end of year to end the light that remains in this world. No one can run, no one can fight. You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 13: Julia...The Antichrist
You are clean shaven. You like Biscuitville. You are Juli…the Antichrist. None will suspect u with your masterful plays.You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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When it’s Halloween and it’s all spooky scary, you make the people dance! You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 15: Introverts/Special SpiritAnimal
Introverts hate people. If u know one, they hate u! They may pretend to like u, but even this is torture 4 d introvert. You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 16: Monday!
You are the worst day in the week and are the conclusion to the Rebecca Black Trilogy. You already missed the bus! You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 17: ULTIMATE DAD!!!
You will always be there to help ULTIMATE SON when in peril! Together you fight those riddling-rhyming rouges! You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 18: Vampire Motherf*cker
You remember to apply directly to the neck when applying this fantastic anti-aging treatment! Congratulations! You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier19: The Same FORWARD and BACKWARD
You live your life, only being allowed to say things that can make sense when reversed. Also, your name is Maya or Ross. You get access to Julian and Isaac’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 20: Lynx
A cartoon cat? Some esoteric feline hovering on screen? Good? Bad? Whatever it is, it deserves a head pat! Just like u! You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 30: Triangle God
What is it? A triangle? An entity from the great beyond? Congrats, u are most triangle. U must look within and find the Truth. You get access to the brothers high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!
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Tier 31: It's Over 30.00
You are McCoy checkmating Sunglasses McGee in battle with your, totally legal, mom-taught, chess move: FLIP DA BOARD! We You get access to Isaac and Julian’s high-quality PREMIUM content (the same exact content as any other viewer), but we love you the most! Thanks for taking the time to support us!